Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Respect is a big word.
Everyone always want respect from everyone else.
But some people really don't deserve such respect at all.

Lemme talk about the incident that just happened (like really, 10 mins ago it happened) and I'm very pissed off. Let's call his person X. So this X happens to be someone of (not very) high position in the company. I don't respect him at all as much as I respect everyone else. In fact, he is one of the few people that I really hate. Seeing his face makes me want to gag every single fucking time because of his stinking attitude. How the fuck did he manage to climb up to this position and how the fuck does his underlings tolerate his behavior? Lemme tell you why. BECAUSE THEIR ATTITUDES ARE ALL THE SAME. 

Let me just put it in simpler terms. I go home with them almost every day (not literally) and every single time it pisses me off to see them and be with them in the same air for 10 minutes. I cri everytime I have to be with them. Maybe only a few of them are nice people BUT NOT HIM. HE IS THE WORST OF THE WORST. I don't even regard him as a MAN la seriously. I think he is a girl disguised as a boy.

What happened :  He refused to help the poor old man close the door.
Ok, maybe he didnt see, but maybe he did see, but please, the poor guy is an elderly man, can't you put yourself in his shoes? What if one day you grow old and the same shit happens to you? Karma is real okay. If you refuse to help someone else open and close the fucking door then dont fucking sit at the front seat. IF you were an elderly I wont complain so much la.... But you are a FULL GROWN MAN leh. Open and close 1 door very difficuly meh?!?!?!?!?!

I had to help the poor man close the door because he didnt have enough strength to do it and X was just sitting at the front chatting like nobody's business.

Like WTF i'll never respect someone like you who doesnt respect others as well. Just rot in hell

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