Saturday, July 25, 2015

Overthinking KILLS

Oh hey guys i'm back with another one of my emotional posts again. Lol i think my blog has become like a reflection journal (RJ - omg hate this 2 alphabets combined even after graduating from RP).

So today i'd like to talk about my overthinking.
Sometimes i think alot.
In fact, i think i think too much (see how many 'thinks' i typed already?)

the fact that i like J is already a difficult fact to accept for a lot of people because the span of time we have known each other is quite short and i dont really know him that well? sometimes i dont think thats the case. no one knows when they fall in love with someone else right? im super glad that my friends are super supportive but sometimes i also feel that they shouldnt be supportive because that'll make me feel like he likes me back too which he doesnt. people say he's doing things to show that he feels the same way back, but i really dont feel that he is. yes, he may show signs, but that doesnt mean anything at all and people dont know the feeling when false hope is given to me and make me overthink so much when it comes to this. yeah, i may be the most negative person you guys have ever known because i dont have confidence in myself at all... :( . of course if he really like me back is the best la but NO GUYS NO HE DOES NOT. he just treats me like a little sister la :( . he didnt treat me the same as that slut. i stay only 10 minutes away from him and he didnt even bother sending me home or asking me if i've already reached home. no one does actually... lol but it means a lot to me. i believe that true friends dont care if you have reached home already or not (haha #squadgoals)

in conclusion, i have decided that i shall let dreams stay as dreams. and like i said, if he feels the same way back then ok la im very glad. lol

k bye

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