Tuesday, December 9, 2014


December is here. The busiest and most expensive month of the year. The last month of the year. The month which is supposed to be the most memorable for everyone.

Last Christmas, I spent it with the one I loved, my boyfriend.
It was one of our first dates as we got together on the 16th of December. Shy love.

Last New years day, I also spent it with my boyfriend.

Last December was the best December of my life as I got to spend the last day of the year and the beginning of the new year together with my one and only.

My boyfriend is the best boyfriend anyone can ever ask for.
He may not have the best body figure,
He may not have the best family background,
but all those does not matter.
Because he loves me so much more than I love him.
And I am always feeling guilty for not spending enough time with him and not treating him better when I am with my friends. Because to me, Friends and Family > Boyfriend.

Recently, our relationship has been on the rocks.
Well, it may be because we have been together for quite some time and honeymoon period is over.
My boyfriend have been falling sick on and off for the past few months and yet, I dont give him enough care and even blamed him for being sick.
Blamed him for not being there for me when I needed him when he could not have been here because he was not feeling well.
But he has been here for my every beck and call.

My boyfriend is the best boyfriend ever.

To my boyfriend,

Thank you for always trying to satisfy my cravings.
Thank you for caring for me the most.
Thank you for listening to my bullshits and lame jokes.
Thank you for not leaving me when everyone left.
Thank you for always encouraging me to do things I did not have confidence on.
Thank you for always travelling from the west to my house early in the morning and sacrificing your sleep just to spend more time with me.

Sorry that I have not been the best girlfriend.

Lets last for more years to come :*.

Happy advanced 1 year anniversary.

Just read a blog dating back to 2011 when I was still super damn active in AuSEA and am young and stupid.
I feel touched for all the posts in that blog. Maybe I'll even dig up the post that I did too...
Too many regrets in 2011.
Things would not be the same now if somethings didnt happen.
And I blame no one but myself for it.

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