Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ranting, big time.

So hey, I'm back after almost 2 months of not touching this dusty blog and today I'm back to do a super long post on something that happened to me today for the most ridiculous thing ever. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time now but this argument sparked something in me to do it before I go to bed today.

So I had an argument with A on the most ridiculous things ever.

1. Accusation of me causing B to fall sick.
For your information, a person can not cause someone to fall sick LITERALLY. I didnt know I had the magical powers to make someone fall sick. Maybe I should go become a witch instead. I did NOT ask for B to fall sick and I for the record DID NOT cause him to 'fall sick' either. There are many different situations where someone would fall sick, for example, the weather has been a real bitch recently, one second its raining and the next, its not. I DO NOT control the weather hence it was not me. Another example would be the air-conditioning that blares into our damn faces every single day. Its practically freezing there, and we are moving A LOT hence, there will be wind. When there is sudden wind, someone would get a cold easily, as simple as that. The last, but not literally, example would be a person's immune system. Everyone has DIFFERENT immune systems in our bodies. Just because you're strong doesnt mean someone else MUST be as strong as you. 

2. Accusation of me doing nothing and just sitting there and letting B do all the work.
Did you even SEE me help at all? If you did not then I suggest you keep your bloody mouth shut when you are saying something. For your information (again), I have been helping B with whatever I feel that B needs help with AND he actually helps me back which is a pleasant teamwork between us. Where were you when I was helping B? Oh yes, you were too absorbed in your pixels. Ask B yourself to see if I have been helping out or have I been slacking off and letting B do all the work alone. Please do not be unreasonable, we are all working to help each other. B is my friend and colleague even though we are not close, I'd still help him when help is needed. I do help sending orders too. How the flying f*ck am I supposed to help when I have a f*cking queue in front of me and I HAVE TO entertain them as well has to help out? What the hell? What do you do then? You arent doing much to help either, open up your eyes.

3. Me letting C & D in before actually checking their purchase.
Come on. You stated that they HAVE TO print it out. YEAH THEY DID OBVIOUSLY, IF NOT WHAT THE F*CK WAS I HOLDING ON TO? HELL MONEY? (no offense). Is it their fault that their printer did not print out the information properly? Would it KILL YOU to use 2 pieces of paper to kindly help them print their purchase out? HELL, YOU DONT EVEN NEED 2 PIECES OF PAPER, YOU COULD JUST FLIP THE PAPER OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE AND MAKE IT 2-SIDED. Wow I see that is a damn tough job for you. YOU yourself said "Do not let them in if they have not printed out properly when there is a queue." WAS THERE A QUEUE? LOL THEY WERE THE LAST TO GO IN. 

4. You dont like it when you work in your shift.
Cool, I see that we are finally agreeing on the same thing. I despise working with you too. You werent like that when you first came, so I guess arrogance really gets the best out of everyone. When someone is assigned to do too many things, they will start to think that they are the f*cking boss of everyone. SORRY NOT SORRY, but aint no one gonna order me around, especially you and if someone actually DO orders me around, they will have to be someone that actually earned my respect and not someone to acts that they are very busy because someone important is there to visit. Please appreciate the help you are getting instead of whining about it. When you have too many, you say its too much. When you have too little, you say its too little. Make up your mind.  

5. This place is not as good without you?
Which goes back to my previous point. Arrogance. Puh-leaze. You think so highly of yourself. Please remember that before you came, we did a pretty good job. If I recall, it was AFTER JANUARY when it started declining and hello, you came in what October? If we were really doing as good as it should be with you around, then why, WHY IS IT SO BAD NOW? Who you gonna blame again? Me? Rofl please get a life.

This brings me on to the 2nd part of this blog post. 

 1. You have no  idea how many people you have offended since forever.
Remember yourself, you arent from here either so DO NOT think that people like YOU should be treated badly. Did we treat you differently? NOPE. We treat everyone equally and we are even appreciative of their efforts even though it has only been a short 6 months with us. YOU HOWEVER, shun them and they cant wait to leave this hellhole because of you. Not just them, US TOO. 

2. Bragging about the past and how good people find you.
Hahaha. The past is in the past, you cant go or bring the past back SO QUIT TALKING ABOUT THE PAST, we have all heard the same story over and over and over again so please learn to S.T.O.P. People think good of you? Yeah, maybe some but not all of them :). 

3. Using something that someone gave me to pull me down?
Sorry it aint gonna happen TWICE because you yourself said that you despise people who do that but look who's doing that as well?! Yeah and I do not dare to talk back to that person because why? I F*CKING RESPECT THAT PERSON BECAUSE THAT PERSON HAS TAUGHT ME A LOT (k, not a lot but still valuable) THINGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY OF USE AND REASONABLE, unlike your bullsh*t.

4. Using something that was not suggested by you as your own and stealing credit for it.
Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha. For this point, there is at least 1 thing that most people can clarify for me which you said that has been done by you when it has not been. However, I'm not as chidish as you so I will just listen to whatever lies you tell to them because why? I have witnesses brother. 

5. Getting angry at nothing at all.
Dude, please hold your anger. I run the front and I know what to do so chill the f*ck down. You dont have to tell me what to do you know? I can handle it myself, you can just go do what you do best and not care about what I'm doing when I handle people. You mentioned that I have a temper, well , once again, look who's talking now. 

MY GOD this post will be NEVERENDING if I state every single point that actually disturbs me about who you really are. Well you aren't a bad person either except your childishness and your arrogance which pisses me off 99% of the time. 

& before anyone gets angry and start spreading my post to whoever and whatever, please note that I did not mention any names, and did not even mention any gender so..... Anyone who reads this post and can actually relate it to someone similar that you know in real life then... I will say that its good for you I guess? Since we wont be mentioning about the same person either :). 

This is officially the longest post I have ever typed in my entire life. 

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